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General Health

Have you filled in our survey? Tell us what you know about local health services so that we can improve our communications. Access the survey here 

Stay up to date with services from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) on social media or their website 

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Choose Pharmacy - Treatment for Common Ailments

Do you need to see a doctor today? Your Pharmacist can provide free, confidential NHS advice and treatment on a range of common ailments without you having to make an appointment to see your GP. If you think you have...


Indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, piles, athlete’s foot,    conjunctivitis, mouth ulcers, hayfever, head lice, teething, nappy rash, cold sores, acne, dermatitis, verruca, colic, chicken pox, threadworms, sore throat, back pain, in growing toenails, oral thrush, vaginal thrush, scabies

Your Pharmacist can provide free confidential advice and treatment without you having to make an appointment to see your GP

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Out of Hours GP /NHS 111

You should call 111 if you think you need a GP appointment outside of normal hours.

The GP Out-of-Hours Service operates from 6.30pm to 8am on weekdays and all day on weekends and bank holidays. Your call will be answered by a trained call handler, who will take some details and arrange for a healthcare professional to call you back to assess your needs.

You can also call 111 to access urgent health advice 24 hours a day, or you can check your symptoms online at: NHS Direct Wales online symptom checker.

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Child and Family Health

Information and resources about child, adolescent and parental physical health and emotional wellbeing have been developed by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and are available online.


  • Healthier Together provides information for parents, young people and pregnant women

  • ABUHB Health Visiting Team have provided information for new parents including how to access speak to a member of the team and in-person support 

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Social & Emotional Wellbeing

Melo Cymru - self help for mental wellbeing

Melo contains information, advice and free self-help resources to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. There is also information and advice on a range of topics such as menopause, money worries, self-harm prevention, suicide prevention and low mood management.



Mental Health 111 (Option 2) is a new way to access urgent mental health and well-being support and advice. Mental Health 111 (Option 2) is free to call, from a mobile (even when the caller has no credit left) or from a landline.

For example:

  • if you have an existing mental health problem and your symptoms get worse

  • if you experience a mental health problem for the first time

  • if someone has self-harmed but it does not appear to be life threatening, or they're talking about wanting to self-harm

  • if a person shows signs of possible dementia

  • if a person is experiencing domestic violence or physical, sexual or emotional abuse

Silver Cloud

Silver Cloud is an easy to use and interactive online programme designed to support your mental health and wellbeing. Find help for anxiety, depression, stress, sleep, money worries and more, all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 

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Psychological Health Practitioners (PHP's)


Psychological health practitioners are experienced mental health practitioners. They are a good first point of contact for people with mild- to moderate mental health problems. They understand a wide range of mental health conditions and the things that can help. Some PHPs offer appointments in the GP surgery and some work remotely (by computer or telephone).


PHP appointments can be up to 45 minutes long and aim to help people to make sense of their worries, and difficult or confusing experiences. A PHP will give you information about the problem and show you how to manage these experiences in a helpful way. The PHP can direct you to learn on your own, or with support from another service.


PHPs cannot offer any advice about medication. They are also not able to offer diagnosis and counselling. They will help you think through what you need, what you need to do and help you make a plan to meet those needs. If you try something and it doesn’t work out, you can talk to them again and make a new plan.

You do not need to be referred by a GP to see a PHP, ask about an appointment at your GP surgery.

Connect Torfaen

Find out about activities and groups in your community, connect with others and explore opportunities to volunteer. 


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Community Connectors

If you would like to some support to find and access activities, groups and networks in your community, the Community Connectors team can help. You can find out more by contacting them on or 01495 742397


Bones, muscles and joints


Move Better Gwent (


This website has been developed to support people experiencing problems with their bones, muscles or joints to access information about their condition, the steps they can take to manage it and how to access services if they need them. This site also provides information on how to access podiatry, occupational therapy and weight management services. 


You can also find information about patient information sessions on Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Low Back Pain  

OAK – Options, Advice, Knowledge – Move Better Gwent (

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Self-referral to physiotherapy

If you would like further help with your muscle joint or bone concern you can self-refer to physiotherapy services Seeking further help – self referral process – Move Better Gwent (


EPP Cymru provides a range of award winning self-management health and well-being courses and workshops for people living with a health condition or for those who care for someone with a health condition.


Our courses are about helping you to live your life to the fullest with your condition, not about making you an expert in the specific condition you have.


All of the people who are involved with EPP Cymru, the Staff and the Volunteer Tutors, have personal experience of either living with a health condition or caring for someone with a health condition.

National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS)

Aimed at those over 16 years of age, who are not used to being regularly            physically active and have a medical condition, the Scheme is designed to              provide opportunities to exercise that are fun, rewarding and that can be          incorporated into everyday life.


If you feel that you would benefit from the scheme, are 16 and over and are suitable to join then you need to speak to your GP/practice nurse/health professional about being referred. Your GP or practice nurse will complete a referral form and provide you with a copy.

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Help Me Quit 

All Help Me Quit services in Wales will provide you with structured support on preparing to quit, quitting, staying stopped and your smoke-free future. Sessions are always delivered by trained stop smoking experts.  All services are free and will give you the best chance of quitting smoking for good. Find more information at or call 0800 085 2219

Find out more

Ask SARA: Impartial advice about equipment to make daily living easier

AskSARA helps you find useful information about products that make daily living easier.
It is an online guided advice tool created in partnership with the Disabled Living Foundation’s Living Made Easy programme. It provides impartial advice about suitable assistive technology solutions that enable older people, and disabled people of all ages, to live independently and maintain their chosen lifestyle.
Visit our website and take these three easy steps:

  1. Choose from the topic list

  2. Answer the questions

  3. Receive a personal report with information, advice, links and                            possible solutions

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Urgent Care

Minor Injuries

Adults and children over one year old with a wide range of injuries can be treated at Minor Injury Units (MIU's). All children under one year old will need to go to the Grange University Hospital. These Units are run by an experienced team of highly skilled specially-trained Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Triage Nurses and Health Care Support Workers.

For more information on the types of injuries that can be treated at MIU's, see Minor Injury Units - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (



Emergency Dental Service

If you have a dental problem that has not improved with painkillers, a dental infection or a lump, swelling or ulcer that has not disappeared after 2 weeks you are advised to phone your dental practice.


If you do not regularly attend a dental practice, please contact the Dental Helpline on 01633 744387.


Urgent Eye Care

The Eye Care Wales scheme supports free assessment and diagnosis of eye conditions by local opticians for a range of conditions which would otherwise have been seen by a GP or hospital eye service. If you have an eye problem that needs urgent attention contact your local optician or if out of hours ring 111. Opticians/Optometrists have specialised equipment that enable better inspection than is possible within GP settings. They can also refer direct to hospital specialists.

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Emergency Care

The Grange University Hospital

You should only attend our Emergency Department (ED) at The Grange University Hospital if you have a serious and life-threatening condition that needs immediate medical attention. This includes breathing difficulties, persistent severe chest pain, heavy blood loss, severe burns, loss of consciousness, suspected stroke, deep wounds

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